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Choose Your Path: The Story behind the Swag

“Access to technology is the great economic equalizer of this century.” - Kimberly Bryant

Designed using AI-generated data, this design tells the story of a single path taken against the backdrop of other possible paths. Each path is its own story and encounter. While these paths come from sample restaurant drive-through data, we want to use them to empower others to write their own journey. Black Girls Code builds pathways for young women of color to embrace the current tech marketplace as builders and creators by introducing them to skills in computer programming and technology.

This chart is a real visualization from our dashboards built in partnership with You can see this work in the session named "Computer Vision Analytics, AI, and Automation: The Secret Ingredients for the Intelligent Restaurant" under the Retail and Consumer Goods track. Part of the design depicts computer vision in the restaurant drive through pathing.

The data has been carefully synthesized to capture these patterns. The first point is where we all start as we first enter the driveway. Each point after that carefully documents the individual experiences represented. We can see the gaps and chasms that progressively form throughout the journey, delays sometimes from both internal and external forces.

We started #SwagForGood before we joined forces as a company. The first #SwagForGood supported several causes and was an extremely limited run only available at the 2019 Tableau Conference. We're still remote for the 2021 Tableau Conference and wanted to ensure broader access to our Limited Edition #SwagForGood merchandise.

We agree with Kimberly Bryant that technology can be a great equalizer. At Versalytix, we have our own stories about how we arrived at the intersection of AI and analytics. We chose our paths, veering much like our line through various milestones to create a space for the next generation of analytics.

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